General Manager Max Rockoff is proud of everything that the newly-reopened Union Square Cafe (USC) represents. When I sat down to speak with him, I learned that he began as a back waiter at USC on 16th Street in 2013. That was his first restaurant job. "It was my baby," he said with a smile, making it clear how passionate he feels about everything Union Square Hospitality Group represents. When I asked him if there was anything that he could share about the latest rendition of this iconic restaurant that has not already been said, he piped up and offered, "It is always about service and the people." He then told me that one of the biggest hurdles in opening this location after being on 16th Street for some thirty years was that the original restaurant ran on regulars. "They were celebrities unto themselves." The customers dictated how things went, and then the challenge in 2017 became, "How can we keep those regulars returning to the new restaurant while also attracting new ones?" When pressed for one more line, Max said, "There is nothing really new to say about USC, except that in the most genuine way, 'It's about heart.'"
On a special private tour of the kitchen downstairs I was able to observe the entire crew in action. "This is Union Square Cafe at its finest," Max stated, as he pointed out what was transpiring in every corner of the room. Daily Provisions and USC share the same bakery space, where the two establishments churn out amazing baked goods and so much else. Max shared that patrons from 16th Street appreciate that the Union Square Hospitality Group has made an effort to hang some of the art from the original space, and it is always fun when someone recognizes the old USC bar that they have moved to the upstairs dining area. USC has proven itself able to intertwine the past with the present.
Several months after reopening, Max told me that he is seeing new regulars. "The goal is to not be the same restaurant, but to have a soul similar to 16th Street, and we are witnessing it happening." He added, "It’s cool to be a part of it." In the current environment, the story remains the same for Danny Meyer and his crew; the food is some of the best the city has to offer, and the service continues to be impeccable, as the restaurant welcomes the next generation.