Treasures from the 1930s and 1940s fill the space at Cobblestones. Shoes hang from the walls, delicate dresses hover on racks, hats rest on every available perch, and Delanee Koopersmith, who describes herself as “naturally friendly and a little nosey,” sits at her desk, ready to greet customers with a hearty hello. She lives in Astoria, Queens, but one is more likely to find her at the vintage clothing store that she opened on 9th street in 1979. “I spend more time here than anywhere else,” she admitted with a smile.
When asked what drew her to women’s fashion of the 30s and 40s, Delanee was quick to answer. “The clothing was so well made. It was also classy, classic, feminine, and flattering – and glamorous, too. I love the glamour.” Others agree. Actors and costume designers were among the most frequent visitors to the store during its early years, when more artists lived in the East Village. These days, Delanee has found that the 30s and 40s are back in vogue, and many young women are interested in adding vintage items to their wardrobe. It helps that Delanee has an impeccable eye for patterns and shapes, as well as a reputation in the neighborhood, so much so that she rarely has to go searching for new items. Instead, women often bring pieces from their wardrobes to her. “These days I almost never have to turn things away,” she told us. “People really have a sense of what I like, specific to certain eras.”
Cobblestones is an extension of Delanee herself. She grew up in the East Village - on 4th Street between Avenues C and D - and was motivated to look locally for a place to open her boutique, which was originally filled with “[her] mother’s glass collectibles and tchotkes.”
Today, Delanee was proud to reveal that every hat or article of clothing is sold “within a year or two.” She then humbly attributed her success not to her taste or business acumen but to something a little more mystical. “Everything here is calling out to someone.”